1. Aesop's fables English and greek. The medici aesop: spencoer Ms 50 from the spencer collection of the New York pyblic library
Author: introduction by Everett Fahy; fables translated from the Greek by Bernard McTigue
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Fables, Greek - translations into English

2. The Medici Aesop : Spencer MS 50 from the Spencer Collection of the New York Public Library
Author: introduction by Everett Fahy ; fables translated from the Greek by Bernard McTigue
Library: Central Library of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin (Qazvin)
Subject: Illumination of books and manuscripts, Italian - Italy - Florence,Illumination of books and manuscripts, Renaissance - Italy - Florence,Manuscripts, Greek - Italy - Florence - Facsimiles,Fables, Greek - Manuscripts - Facsimiles
Classification :